Tonight I went to a staff dinner during which I meant my co-workers who I don't actually work with one-on-one with (we're all tutors). In true Allyssa form I immediately singled out the nerds (a husband and wife) and sat near them because, even though I didn't know their names, they gave off a friendly, intelligent vibe. The husband was also wearing an Animaniacs tie, so that was a big give away. This couple was older - late thirties, early forties - with two kids. The other couple who sat at our end of the table was also friendly...and even older. What this means is that once again in my life I've failed to make connections with people my (or at least closer to my) age.
I'm not complaining. They were all lovely people and wonderful to talk to. When they found out just how young I was - because, you know, 22 is young in the real world- they were interested in hearing about my schooling and what I wanted to do with my future. The conversation moved into my arguing that there is no such thing as an original plot anymore and everyone put in their input. Essentially, I got to have a scholarly discussion, something that hasn't happened much since I graduated. It was superb.
Now, as I said, I was immediately attracted to the academics. With the Animaniacs tie in play (I got a fist bump for knowing the reference) the idea were in my favor that I would get to have a geek-out session with at least one of my table mates. I wasn't disappointed. Not in the least. Star Wars, Marvel comics and movies, the
upcoming Hobbit films...only a true nerd could appreciate the nuances of the conversation and I enjoyed it greatly.
The moral of the story I've just told is that age means nothing to nerds. If you can find something in common to talk about that makes the rest of the dinner guests raise their eyebrows and wonder about your sanity, then a new friendship has definitely been formed.